Forums :: Blogs :: Blog Entry for 3 May 2005 00:04:21 GMT

3rd May 2005 00:04:21 GMT
Blog Entry for 3 May 2005 00:04:21 GMT
Rob's avatar

85 post(s) since
24th November 2004 22:22:29 GMT
Recent changes are mostly behind-the-scenes.  As my expertise in PHP and SQL grows I'm discovering better ways of carrying out tasks.

Once difference to the user: blog entries now automatically create corresponding threads in a forum entitled "Blog Entries", with the blog text as that thread's first post.  Editing either the blog entry or the post will update the other.  However, deleting the blog entry will not delete the post or thread.  Likewise, deleting the post, thread or forum will not delete the blog entry.

Finally, I've added another JavaScript code sample page.  This one, entitled "Time", displays my age and the time until my next birthday.  Now nobody has an excuse to miss it!
"Prepare for an oblivion for which there is no preparation." - O'Malley (Red Vs Blue)

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