
Welcome to Rob Hall Online, I am Rob Hall and this is my website.

It was originally designed as a demonstration of my web-development skills for the benefit of potential employers, but I like to think the site has become much more.

The site features a blog, guestbook, chatroom, forum, tutorials, and code samples, all written from scratch by me.

Anyone can view the blog, view/sign the guestbook, view the chatroom, forums, tutorials, and code samples, but only registered users can post chat messages, and add forums threads / posts.  Registering requires only a unique name and a password, after which you're automatically redirected back to the page you came from (or the home page if that fails), only now you have a couple more features.

So enjoy yourself, laugh at my poor design skills, and sign the guestbook!


30th November 2004 21:54:33 GMT
The site goes live.  For some reason, Minesweeper isn't loading images, and the guestbook has some data-validation problems.  Aside from that, everything is cool.
29th November 2004 23:09:41 GMT
I think I've finished moving the more common functions into a single central file.  Now I just need to adapt the code so that it will be able to connect to the database wherever it is.  This will help when I upload the website - I won't have to modify the code so that it looks for the correct database.
28th November 2004 23:27:08 GMT
I made a lighter copy of the background image as background to the forms.
28th November 2004 23:04:01 GMT
I'm encountering problems connecting to different databases, so I'm moving all the database functions in to one file, then moving the connect and disconnect code to a single function.  Hopefully, this will allow me to update the entire site in one fell swoop.  Maybe I should've done this earlier. :)
26th November 2004 20:11:48 GMT
Started the admin page which allows administrators to delete users.
26th November 2004 18:46:15 GMT
Attached Minesweeper, my Spheres sample and my CV to the site.
26th November 2004 02:46:02 GMT
Finished signing in and signing up.  I also removed the background image from form elements because it made the cursor nearly invisible.
24th November 2004 22:22:29 GMT
The website begins.

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